DA Pam 600-25

Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development (NCOPD)
DA Pam 600-25, U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Guide, provides guidance for the professional development of noncommissioned officers (NCO) to meet the requirements prescribed in the NCO vision. It also provides an excellent framework for NCOs, warrant officers, officers, and civilians alike to advise and counsel NCOs on their professional development. That pamphlet is neither a simplified checklist for promotions nor a guide for NCOs on how to perform their assigned duties as leaders to the best of their abilities. Don’t forget to check our Latest Uploads page where we add all our uncategorized classes.
What is the Goal of NCOPD?
The Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Corps remains the backbone of our Army and
the most professional NCO Corps in the World. Army Leader 21 is focused on
continuing to train and educate a quality NCO Corps for the Army while expanding
the NCO Corps role and professionalism by improving performance today and
building the bench for tomorrow. The NCO must be fully capable of fighting a war
and transforming in an era of unpredictability. The
Pentathlete is a metaphor for the kind of leader our Army requires today and
into the future. Our vision for the NCO Corps blends their past heritage with
emerging future characteristics. “An innovative, competent professional enlisted
leader grounded in heritage, values, and tradition that embodies the Warrior
Ethos; champions continuous learning, and is capable of leading, training, and
motivating Soldiers. An adaptive leader who is proficient in joint and combined
expeditionary warfare and continuous, simultaneous full spectrum operations, and
resilient to uncertain and ambiguous environments.”
Leader process
a. The Army maintains a serious commitment regarding the development of its future leaders (NCOs, warrant officers, officers, and civilians). DA Pam 600–25, U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Guide provides NCOs with guidance to help direct the development of values, attributes, skills, and actions required in an increasingly complex, unstable, and unpredictable world. The process known as leader development fulfills this commitment, and prepares leaders with those values, attributes, skills and actions needed in today’s Army.
b. Competent and confident NCOs are the result of progressive and sequential education, training, and experience. Noncommissioned officers grow professionally through the three domains of leader development: institutional training, operational assignments, and self-development. In all three domains, the goal remains the same: to develop professional, competent and confident leaders capable of maintaining a trained and ready expeditionary Army to deter war and to engage and defeat an enemy in battle when necessary.
c. Successful NCOs take personal responsibility for their professional development by carefully planning for institutional and functional training courses, requesting challenging operational assignments, and maximizing every opportunity for self-development. In addition to exercising personal responsibility, successful NCOs seek the full support of their supervisors and commanders. Those who lean forward to meet Army needs will excel. Individual choices will shape careers. Successful leaders will look for and routinely exceed their own personal comfort zone.
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