Administration, Evaluations and Promotions

Human Resource Service Center serves as the primary entry point into the Army Human Resources Command for military related human resource inquiries, responding to Soldiers, veterans, family members, civilians and Government agencies in order to provide timely service in support of their efforts to receive or process entitlements or benefits. The Human Resource Service Center is not meant to replace the unit S-1, Unit Administrator, or Military Human Resource professional. Utilize local resources, along with your chain of command before requesting any personnel action.
The map of choice for land navigators is the 1:50,000-scale military topographic map. It is important, however, that you know how to use the many other products available from the DMA as well. When operating in foreign places, you may discover that DMA map products have not yet been produced to cover your particular area of operations, or they may not be available to your unit when you require them.
Therefore, you must be prepared to use maps produced by foreign governments that may or may not meet the standards for accuracy set by DMA. These maps often use symbols that resemble those found on DMA maps but which have completely different meanings. There may be other times when you must operate with the only map you can obtain. This might be a commercially produced map run off on a copy machine at higher headquarters.