Drugs and Alcohol
Army Substance Abuse Awareness
The Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) is a commander’s program designed to monitor and improve the personnel readiness of the unit’s Soldiers. Unit Prevention Leaders (UPLs) have the primary mission of assisting the commander to plan, implement, and execute an outstanding unit level substance abuse program.
PRIME For Life is an alcohol and drug program for people of all ages. It is designed to gently but powerfully challenge common beliefs and attitudes that directly contribute to high-risk alcohol and drug use. A primary goal of PRIME For Life is prevention of any type of alcohol or drug problem. This includes prevention of health problems such as alcoholism, or impairment problems such as car crashes or fights. Emphasis is on knowing and understanding risks one cannot change and reducing risks one can change.
- Alcohol Awareness Training
Alcohol and Drug Abuse(version one) 11kbs
Alcohol and Drug Abuse/ Understanding of the Drug Testing Policy (16.68Kbs)
Army Values applied to Drugs and Alcohol, 1,598k
Designer Drug Use , 225.98kbs Explanation by the Navy of the explosion of Designer Drug use among Sailors and Marines
Drinking and Driving
Driving While Intoxicated, 478kbs – Excellent presentation prior to long weekends
Drug and Alcohol Awareness and Prevention
Drug and Alcohol Prevention 417kb
Drug and Alcohol Awareness 1,913kbs