Military History and Heritage

Army History
The Army Historical Program (AHP) includes all historical activities within the active Army, the Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve. The mission of the AHP is to preserve, critically interpret, disseminate, and teach military history; provide historical advice; and stimulate historical mindedness within the Army and throughout the nation.
The Annual Command History is a written account of the operations and activities of an Army organization, installation, or school. It is an objective record of the preparing organization’s performance for the previous year and serves as its institutional memory and guide for future operations. The commander uses the command’s annual history to add historical perspective to the decision-making process. It is a primary source of background facts in support of the staff and is used to orient new commanders and personnel on the organization’s mission, recent activities, accomplishments, and issues.
Historical support is required at all levels of wartime military operations to gather information and documentation for use in the official history of battles, campaigns, and other deployed operations of the Army. Historical support is provided by a theater historian, the theater historical staff, subordinate command historians and historical officers, and assigned or attached military history detachments/military history teams
- Army Heritage v2 16kbs
- Army Heritage, 562kbs
- Army History, 5,460kbs
- Army History, 5,028kbs
- Basic knowledge of Military History, 5,747kbs (this is a 914-page presentation)
- History of the NCO
- History of PTSD in Combat, 397kbs
- Military Interventions, 1890-2010, 12,681kbs
- Native Americans, 3,126kbs
- NCO History
- NCO History, 4,502kbs
- History of Army Working Dogs (MWD), 970kbs
- Roles and Use of Military History, 346kbs
- Unit Designations and Modular Force History, 8,256kbs