Operations, MDMP, and Staff Classes

The Military Decision making Process
Commanders, assisted by their staffs, integrate numerous processes and activities within the headquarters and across the force as they exercise mission command. The Army’s overarching framework to do this is the operations process. The operations process consists of the major mission command activities performed during operations: planning, preparing, executing, and continuously assessing the operation. The commander drives the operations process through leadership.
The military decisionmaking process is an iterative planning methodology that integrates the activities of the commander, staff, subordinate headquarters, and other partners to understand the situation and mission; develop and compare courses of action; decide on a course of action that best accomplishes the mission; and produce an operation plan or order for execution (FM 5-0). The military decisionmaking process (MDMP) helps leaders apply thoroughness, clarity, sound judgment, logic, and professional knowledge to understand situations, develop options to solve problems, and reach decisions. This process helps commanders, staffs, and others think critically and creatively while planning.
- AAR 2007 2,682,147kbs
- The AAR 53,446kbs
- AAR Lesson plan 17,743kbs
- Afghan Awareness Briefing, 1,318kbs
- Air Assault Operations
- Antiterrorism Force Protection briefing 188,155kbs
- Assault (62.96kbs)
- Area Zone Recon (130.39kbs)
- Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS) , 3,423k
- Battle Drills and Intro to Offensive Operations
- Battlefield Operating System, 144kbs
- Briefing Guide, USASMA W122
- Command and Control: Reconnaissance Operations & Commander Course , 491k
- Command Post of the Future (CPOF) Overview 4,766k
- Command Post Security 319,832kbs
- Conduct a Army Briefing
- Contingency Planning
- Decision Support Temple
- Desert Terrain
- Develop and Give and AAR (100.09kbs)
- Establish an Area of Operation
- FM 7-0 Briefing 368kbs
- Force Protection and Use of Force 465,866kbs
- Force Protection – Guard Duty
- Force Protection (Use of Force)
- Force Protection (4.75megs)
- Force Protection v2 (PowerPoint) (235.57kbs) – Covers every aspect of an MP Force Protection Briefing
- Graphics and Overlays
- How to Conduct a Army Briefing
- Identify Threat Brief (149.34kbs) mandatory class
- Information Security (14.31kbs)
- Intelligence Information Reporting (IIR)
- IPB Class 372,517kbs
- Issue a WARNO, 2011, 83kbs
- Issue a WARNO
- Load Plans
- Leader’s Contingency Planning -GWOTA 18,605kbs
- Light Infantry Breach Operations (788.98kbs)
- MDMP Process
- MDMP, Orders Production
- MDMP Training , 1.1kbs
- METL Development
- Army Assistance for Civil Disturbances (MACDIS) 333,096kbs
- Army Briefing 2007
- Army Decision Making Process
- Army Terms and Symbols
- Mission Graphics 18,596kbs
- OEF Commanders Tool task revisions
- Operational Graphics, 700kbs
- Operational Terms and Symbols
- Operations Security, 416kbs
- Operations Security Brief 51,539kbs
- Operations Order , 321k
- Operations Report
- OPORD (12.29kbs)
- OPORD Class 412,191kbs
- OPSEC Briefing 1,145 kbs
- OPSEC powerpoint slide
- Passage (200.51kbs)
- Patrol Base Ops 55,743kbs
- Planning
- Pre-combat Checks (PCI) , 106k
- Preventive Medicine
- Protecting Classified Information , 392k
- Rappel (31.13kbs)
- Rappel Master class
- Report Intelligence Information, 612kbs
- Risk Assessment 135,896kbs
- Road to War , 1,641kk
- Rules of War 22,492kbs
- Serious Incident Report
- SITREP/SPOTREP training , 123k
- Spot Report , 155k
- Staff Conduct (17.51kbs) – How cadre and staff personnel in the Army Prison system should conduct themselves.
- Tactical ISR 3,471kb
- Tactics Fundamentals , 2,672k
- THREAT-Global Overview 558,289kbs
- Troop Leading Procedures
- Troop Leading Procedures 2007
- Troop Leading Procedures class
- TOC and the Command Post , 1,335
- TOC Operations
- TOC Operations , 40k
- Utilizing Interpreters
- Course of Action (COA) Analysis – MDMP , 815kbs
- Course of Action (COA) Comparison – MDMP, 565kbs
- Course of Action (COA) Development – MDMP, 889kbs
- MDMP Overview, 566kbs
- Mission Analysis – MDMP, 549kbs
- Order Production – MDMP, 522kbs
- Receipt of Mission – MDMP, 509kbs
Dari & English Staff Courses
- Attributes of a Good Staff Officer_Dari&Eng 11,174 kBs
- Cmd Post Comms_Eng&Dari 11,065 kBs
- Command Relationships and Task Org_Dari&Eng 64,245 kBs
- Command Relationships and Task Org_Eng&Dari 64,789 kBs
- Decisive Point and CCIR_Eng&Dari 6,084 kBs
- Intro to Orders_Dari&Eng 40,522 kBs
- IPB_Dari 1,942,955 kBs
- IPB_Eng 1,954,946 kBs
- Map Reading_Dari; 227,252 kBs
- MDMP Overview_Dari 25,686 kBs
- MDMP Overview_Eng 25,011 kBs
- Mission Analysis_Eng&Dari 23,361 kBs
- Module1MDMP_Dari 113,244 kBs
- Module1MDMP_Eng 128,458 kBs
- Module2MDMP_Dari 88,304 kBs
- Module2MDMP_Eng 82,742 kBs
- Module3MDMP_Dari 165,110 kBs
- Module3MDMP_Eng 166,999 kBs
- Module4MDMP_Dari 43,807 kBs
- Module4MDMP_Eng 37,794 kBs
- Module5MDMP_Dari 17,877 kBs
- Module5MDMP_Eng 14,965 kBs
- NMCC Reports Class_Eng&Dari 159,816 kBs
- NMCC Reports_Dari 66,097 kBs
- NMCC Reports_Eng 45,165 kBs
- Organization and Flow in the Command Ctr_Eng&Dari 119,263 kBs
- PKM Graphics 4,963,672 kBs
Ranger Handbook in Dari 5,606,023 kBs
- Staff Estimate Process_Dari 22,784 kBs
- Staff Estimate Process_Eng 17,656 kBs
- Staff Trng Crs_Eng&Dari 88,259 kBs
- Tactical Operations Center_Dari 205,140 kBs
- Tactical Ops Center_Dari&Eng 17,374 kBs
- TLP MDMP_Dari&Eng 6,004 kBs
- TOC Briefing Techniques_Dari&Eng 10,187 kBs
- TOC Org and Function_Eng&Dari 19,244 kBs
- Write a Mission Statement Eng&Dari