Sergeant’s Time Training Schedule

Sample of a Sergeant’s Time Training Schedule
The success of Sergeants Time Training (STT) requires the coordinated efforts of both officers and noncommissioned officer (NCOs). Noncommissioned officers plan, rehearse, execute, train, and assess time designated for STT. Officers provider resources when required and prevent training distractors. Once the officers and NCOs meet these objectivesSTT is then devoted to the professional development of Soldiers. Noncommissioned officers are the primary trainers of STT. Sergeants Time Training should be briefed at training briefings and should be part of the Command Inspection Program.
NCOs are the primary trainers of our soldiers. Sergeant’s Time Training (STT) affords a prime opportunity for developing our first line leaders while they gain confidence of their soldiers. Active Component commanders should institute STT as a regular part of the units training program. This will allow NCOs to train certain tasks to their soldiers in a small group environment. Tasks must crosswalk all the way to the Battalion Mission Essential Task List (METL) and commanders must direct their focus on the Quarterly Training Guidance.
STT is an excellent tool in preparing our soldiers to fight and win our Nation’s wars in combat operations. Commanders should set this time aside exclusively for the NCO leadership to train their soldiers (squads, sections, crews and teams) on METL related tasks under realistic as possible conditions. In combat, it will be the first line leaders that ensure steady and precise execution by our soldiers. NCOs and their soldiers must have the confidence that their unit can accomplish essential combat skills to standard. From STT soldiers develop greater confidence in their first line leaders and those leaders gain more confidence in themselves. Sergeant’s Time Training is our best opportunity to build that leadership. Therefore, we need to use the time wisely.
Sergeant’s Time Training is hands-on, practical training for soldiers given by their NCOs. It provides our NCOs with resources and the authority to bring training publications or Technical Manuals to life and to develop the trust between leader and led to ensure success in combat. In the Active Component, the chain of command and NCO support channel support this vital training event by scheduling five uninterrupted hours of STT each week, usually conducted on Thursday mornings from 0700 – 1200 hours. In the Reserve Component, STT may be difficult to accomplish during a typical Unit Training Assembly or even during Annual Training. But even RC units should plan and conduct STT after mobilization.
First line leaders are the primary trainers during STT and should strive for 100% of their soldier’s present for training. Platoon sergeants assist in the preparation and execution of the training. Officers provide the METL and resources (time, personnel and equipment) to evaluate training and provide feedback to commanders. Senior NCOs should protect this program against distractions and provide leadership and guidance as necessary to the first line leader. They must train their soldiers to standard (not to time) oriented on specific tasks to provide the important one-on-one exchange between NCO leaders and their soldiers.
NCOs conduct a training assessment and recommend what MOS soldier task or crew and squad collective training they need to conduct during STT. Topics are based on the small unit leader’s assessment of training areas that need special attention. The small unit leader recommends the subjects for Sergeant’s Time Training at unit training meetings so that the training can be identified, resourced and rehearsed prior to execution. The commander puts this training on the training schedule four to six weeks prior to execution. Schedule resources for the training four weeks before the training.
Sergeant’s Time Training is not company or battery time, nor is it a “round robin” training event. Company / battery annual mandatory training, physical training, inventories, weapons and routine maintenance should not occur during this time. STT should be hands on training, involving all soldiers and that builds proficiency in essential warfighting tasks. Do not have platoon sergeants as instructors; they should be checking training and ensuring it is conducted to standard. Your unit should conduct STT regularly except during extraordinary events like post-operations maintenance or during field training exercises. You may have minimum essential phone watch, CQs and guards.
Do you want to know what the source document is, where di we get this summary? Then Click Here to see Appendix A of FM 7-22.7!
About Sergeants Time Training
NCOs are the primary trainers of our soldiers. Sergeant’s Time Training (STT) affords a prime opportunity for developing our first line leaders while they gain confidence of their soldiers. Active Component commanders should institute STT as a regular part of the units training program. This will allow NCOs to train certain tasks to their soldiers in a small group environment. Tasks must crosswalk all the way to the Battalion Mission Essential Task List (METL) and commanders must direct their focus on the Quarterly Training Guidance.