Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense

Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Defense Systems
Awareness of a CBRN hazard results in warning, alerting, and reporting that provide hazard data which is key to decentralized operational decisions at all levels within the joint force. Awareness allows for the rapid warning and alerting of affected personnel who employ CBRN protective equipment and mitigation capabilities to negate the effects of the CBRN incident and help sustain operations. The JFC processes this awareness of a CBRN incident to gain an understanding of its implications to joint operations.
The threatened or actual employment of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) material, including toxic industrial materials (TIMs), can seriously challenge US military operations. The deadly, destructive, and disruptive effects of these weapons and materials merit continuous consideration by the joint force commander (JFC) and supporting commanders.
CBRN-related protection includes measures that are taken to keep CBRN environments from having an adverse effect on personnel, equipment, or critical assets and facilities. Commanders implement protective measures appropriate to all anticipated threats, including terrorist threats and the use of WMD/CBRN or other sources of CBRN hazards. CBRN defense typically requires WMD active defense and CBRN passive defense and requires the planning, preparation, training, and execution of physical defenses to negate the effects of CBRN elements on personnel and materiel.
- Administer Nerve Agent Antidote Kit (NAAK)
- ANPDR-77 Radiac
- Atropine Injectors/ First Aid (413.5kbs)
- Basic Radiation Safety Training, 3,885kbs
- Change MOPP Gear 1,792kbs
- Cyanide 843,379kbs
- Decon with a M291 or M295
- Detect Chemical Agents using M8 or M9 Detector
- Identify Chemical Agent using M256A1, 65kbs
- Implement Mission-Oriented Protective Posture
- M8A1 (15.71kbs) NBC Class
- M-22 Alarm, Chemical Agent, Automatic (ACAA), 1145kbs
- M40 NBC Mask, PMCS (10.99kbs) This one, no orderly room should be without
- M291/M295 Decon
- Maintain Your Assigned Protective Mask 94,765kbs
- Mark CBRNE area, 492kbs
- MOPP Gear Exchange w/JLIST
- NBC (596.16kbs)
- NBC, MOPP and Decontamination (159.03kbs)
- NBC – Use of the ICAM
- NBC – Use of the UDR13
- NBC 1 Report
- Principles of Radiation Testing, 1,500kbs
- Protect yourself in a chemical environment
- Protect Yourself from a Chem-Bio Attack using your Mask
- Protective Mask Maintenance
- React to a Chemical/Bio Threat
- React to NBC Attack
- React to Nuke attack
- React to Nuclear Hazard, 311k
- Testing the Chem Protective Mask 1,531,875kbs
- Three CTT NBC Tasks
- User Training for M43A1, CAM and ACADA, 94k
- What is CBRNE?, 835kbs