Mental Health and Resiliency

Comprehensive Soldier & Family Fitness
The Army’s Comprehensive Soldier & Family Fitness (CSF2) program represents the Army’s investment in the readiness of the force and the quality of life of our Soldiers, their Families and Department of the Army Civilians. It increases their physical and psychological health and resilience while enhancing their performance in combat and in life.
Resilience training offers strength-based, positive psychology tools to aid Soldiers, Leaders, and Families in their ability to grow and thrive in the face of challenges and bounce back from adversity. Training and information are targeted to all phases of the Soldier deployment cycle, Soldier lifecycle and Soldier support system. Institutional (Life-Cycle) Resilience Training Modules provide Initial Military Training (IMT) and progressive Professional Military Education (PME) Resilience Training timed to the specific phases of the Soldier’s career. Soldiers and Leaders are trained in the principles and skills, that enhance Soldier and organizational resilience and reduce the barriers to seeking behavioral health care.
The Ready and Resilient Campaign integrates and synchronizes multiple efforts and programs to improve the readiness and resilience of the Army Family – Soldiers (Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard), Army Civilians and Families. Ready and Resilient creates a holistic, collaborative and coherent enterprise to increase individual and unit readiness and resilience. Ready and Resilient will build upon physical, emotional and psychological resilience in our Soldiers, Families, and Civilians so they improve performance to deal with the rigors and challenges of a demanding profession.
- 10 Tough Facts About Combat and what Leaders can do to mitigate risk and build Soldier resilience
- Battlemind Overview 390k
- Combating Battlefield Stress
- Combat Stress and Suicide Prevention, 118kbs
- Dealing with Battlefield Stress
- Implement Measures to Reduce Combat Stress, 2,394kbs
- Master Resilience Training (MRT) Implementation Guidelines, 1,670kbs
- Schizoid Personality Disorder, The (5.59kbs) For medical and hospital staff personnel
- Suicide Prevention
- Suicide Intervention Skills for Leaders 956,581kbs
- Suicide Awareness Briefing, 3,1116kbs
- Suicide Prevention, 688kbs
- Suicide Prevention of Soldiers, 3,921kbs
- Suicide Prevention, 469kbs
- Suicide Prevention Handout, 298kbs
- Understanding Death