One Click Topics

1-click, Favorited Subjects
The U.S. military is the largest in the world, and ensuring that it’s more than one million service members build knowledge, skills, and proficiency in an ever-changing military-technology environment is a considerable challenge. Soldier 2020 is about a standards-based Army; upholding the standards of our profession — the Army Profession.
- Land Navigation Powerpoint, By far the most popular searched for classes.
- M249 PMI, Weapons classes always are popular.
- ASIP Radio Class, the best of our Communication topics.
- M4 PMI class, is sought after by many soldiers conducting Sergeants Time Training.
- Map Reading class, it is a sub component of Land Navigation, but is often searched for.
- Warrior Tasks and Drills, it is a subject itself, this helps you narrow down annual topics.
- Army Battle Drills, this is our latest list Warrior Tasks and Drills.
- EO Training, we have a large selection of Equal Opportunity classes.
- Operational Graphics, in our Battle Staff section we have classes just like this.
- Army Convoy Operations, we cover Convoy, Combat Logistics Patrols, everything other than IED specific classes.
- 9 Line MEDEVAC, Study the 9-line Medevac request, commit it to memory and always keep a reference nearby.
- SINCGARS pre-made communication and signal Powerpoint Classes
- DA Pam 600-25, U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Guide.
Regardless of component, The Army conducts both operational and institutional missions. The operational Army consists of numbered armies, corps, divisions, brigades, and battalions that conduct full spectrum operations around the world. The institutional Army supports the operational Army. Institutional organizations provide the infrastructure necessary to raise, train, equip, deploy, and ensure the readiness of all Army forces. The training base provides military skills and professional education to every Soldier—as well as members of sister services and allied forces. It also allows The Army to expand rapidly in time of war. The industrial base provides world-class equipment and logistics for The Army. Army installations provide the power-projection platforms required to deploy land forces promptly to support combatant commanders. Once those forces are deployed, the institutional Army provides the logistics needed to support them.