Combat, Warrior Tasks and CTT

Common Tasks and Warrior Tasks
This is a listing of Powerpoint Classes relating to Army Warrior training and PCC or PCI tasks. Common Task training (CTT). These are Army operations related classes. If you are headed down range, you want to bookmark this page.
The Army has worked to instill the Warrior Ethos in all our Soldiers by the way we train, live, and fight. Every Soldier that has entered into the Army family has been taught that the Warrior Ethos is rooted in Army values and founded on the premise that service to our nation is an honor and a responsibility that requires self-sacrifice-belonging to and giving to something larger than ourselves. This ethos has enabled our Soldiers to endure the rigors of combat and distinguish our Army on the battlefield by the character of our service.
Warrior Tasks & Drills
As the Army continues to operate in an era of persistent conflict, the principles of our Warrior Ethos will continue to serve as a foundation for Americans who volunteer to enter our ranks. Those individuals who join the Army will be bound to each other by integrity and trust and will quickly learn that every Soldier makes a difference every day. They will value learning and adapting at every level, particularly as it contributes to taking initiative. They will learn that the Army’s culture is one of selfless service and teamwork. They will find great gratitude in serving a profession dedicated to protecting the American people and our nation’s national interests.
- 10 Myths of OIF
- 10 Tough Facts About Combat and what Leaders can do to mitigate risk and build Soldier resilience
- Adjust Indirect Fire
- Adjust Fire, 862kb
- Area Security
- Artillery Safety
- Afghanistan Lessons Learned , 1,901k
- Battle Drills, 501kbs
- Battle Drills, 500kbs
- Battle Drills, with Task, Conditions and Standards, 312kbs
- Battle Position Selection, 340kbs
- Battlemind Overview 390k
- Biometrics Overview , 3,459k
- Biometric Technologies, Identity Dominance, 547k
- Break Contact 816kbs
- Break Contact , 874kbs
- Building Searches , 1159kbs
- Enemy TTPs in Convoy Attacks 1,313,083kbs
- Call for Fire, 300kbs
- Clear a Room, 1,547kbs
- Close Combat Marksmanship (CQM), Level 1 1,750 kbs
- Close Combat Marksmanship, 230kbs
- Close Quarters Battle (CQB ), 1,553kbs Close Quarters Battle (CQB)
- Combatives Intro, 2009 edition 3,223kbs
- Convoy Security, 310kbs
- Convoy Operations, 634kbs
- Convoy Operations, 2,845kbs
- Convoy Operations, 467kbs
- Convoy Ops Handbook, FM 4-01.45-1 2,719k
- Convoy TTPs, 271kbs
- Detainee Handling , 2,970kbs
- Enemy TTP 1,917,981kbs
- Escalation of Force 2,027 kbs
- Escalation of Force, 1,176kbs
- Force Protection 30 kbs
- HMMWV Roll-over Prevention 6,150kb
- IED Brief (2004)
- IED Slideshow 1,087,192kbs
- IED Brief (2004)
- Infantry MOUT Operations 36 kbs
- Intelligence Information Reporting (IIR)
- Iraqi Language , 209kbs
- Iraqi Sniper Training and You , 626k
- Law of War , 175kbs
- Mounted-React to IED, 146kbs
- MOUT Operations 71kbs
- Move under Direct Fire, 1,1192k
- Movement to Contact, 2.141k
- Move under Direct Fire, 1,330k
- Move under Direct Fire, 1,254kbs
- Move Under Direct Fire, 165kbs
- Move Under Direct Fire, 226kbs
- Move Under Direct Fire, 310kbs
- Movement Techniques , 401k
- Movement Techniques, 561kbs
- Night Vision Goggles 3,153,009kbs
- Obstacles 157kbs
- OEF Commanders Tool task revisions
- Of IEDs and MRAPs, 2.376k
- OPSEC-Killing With Keyboards
- Pre-combat Checks (PCI) , 106k
- Process Captured Material, 149kbs
- React to an Ambush (Near/Far) , 2,696kbs
- React to UXO 2969 kbs
- React to indirect fire while dismounted, 314kbs
- Safe Weapons Handling Procedures Class
- Select Temporary Fighting Position, 1,357kbs 071-326-0513
- SERE Level B , 1,244kbs
- Situation Report (SITREP) and Spot Report (SPOTREP), 144kbs
- Spot Report, 155k
- Squad Attack, 340kbs
- Squad Battle Drills, 333kbs
- Squad Level Tactics, 878kbs
- Squad Orders, 281kbs
- Tactical Questioning
- Terrorism and Background Brief – Hot Spots
- THREAT-Global Overview 558,289kbs
- Troop Leading Procedures (TLP), 813174 kbs
- Troop Leading Procedures 2007
- Utilizing Interpreters
- Using an Interpreter (CALL Handbook (40-7)
- Urban Operations, 29kb
- Vehicle Search , 2235kbs
- Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills, a quick 1-slide that show the listing of all the SL warrior tasks and battle drills, 866kbs