APFT, PRT, Fitness, Health & Weight Control

The US Army Physical Fitness Test, or APFT, consists of three events- push-ups, sit-ups, and a two mile run. Scores are normed for gender and age and soldiers must score at least 60 points in each event. This test is similar to physical fitness tests administered to the US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Air Force, and US Coast Guard.
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Provide a concise overview of the ARNG approach to the Army’s implementation of the ACFT
The US Army Physical Fitness Test, or APFT, consists of three events- push-ups, sit-ups, and a two-mile run. In order to pass the APFT, you must score at least 60 points in each event, for a total minimum score of 180 points. You can score a maximum of 100 points in each event, although there are “extended scales” that some units use for scoring physical training competitions that have scale past 100 points. The APFT is taken in a specific order, as proscribed by US Army Field Manual 7-22.
The AWCP ensures every soldier is healthy, physically fit, and combat ready. The program requires you to meet specific weight standards, which are based on their height, weight, and gender. Under the AWCP you will be required to weigh-in at least once every six months. This may be done at the same time as your Army Physical Fitness Test. In most cases, failure to pass the Army’s minimum weight or body fat percentage standards will make you ineligible for promotion, transfer, reenlistment or opportunities to attend professional schools.
- Administration of the APFT
- Administer the APFT v2
- APFT Admin and the 1-1-1 Assessment, 200kbs
- Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard, DA Form 705
- Army Weight Control Program, 32k
- Combatives Intro, 2009 edition 3,223kbs
- Comprehensive Soldier Fitness, 2396kbs
- Fitness NCOPD
- How to Properly Tape a Soldier 681kbs
- Implement Total Fitness Program, 74k
- Modern Army Combatives, 1,474kbs
- NCOPD on Weight Control
- Physical Fitness Class
- Physical Hygiene (351.79kbs)
- Physical Training (59.30kbs)
- Physical Training Program
- PRT and the APFT, 896kbs
- PRT Philosophy, 378kbs
- PRT Leadership Considerations, 128kbs
- PRT Programs, 123kbs
- PRT Planning, 498kbs
- PT Program
- Resilience Training Overview, 1485kbs
- US Army Shoe Selection Guidelines, 81kbs