Army Powerpoint classes is your one-stop-shop for all your classes and briefing templates to help you get a head-start on preparing for training and classes.
New discussions on … Dynamics of leadership – leaders adjust what they do based on the situation, their role and own capabilities, and the capabilities of those who they lead
Provide a concise overview of the ARNG approach to the Army’s implementation of the ACFT
Welcome to the CRM Operational Course. This course targets CRM issues and responsibilities appropriate to Commanders, Leaders, and Staff at Battalion, Brigade, and comparable Civilian organizational levels.
The purpose of CRM is to provide a basis for making sound individual and leadership risk decisions. The ultimate goal is to prevent unnecessary loss.
Cold Weather Injuries: Prevention, Identification, and Treatment, updated for 2019. This slide deck was prepared for adaption and local use by units/installation personnel when conducting cold injury prevention training.
Holidays can also be a time when mishaps occur. Hopefully, this presentation will remind you of the precautions we can all take to have a safe and happy Holiday season.